Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Hembras 4 años y más (h4a+) 1100m Arena (Rápida) 15:37 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $24.000 Claiming (Máx): USD $12.500 Claiming (Min): USD $10.000
USD $14.700 al 1ro - USD $4.200 al 2do - USD $2.190 al 3ro - USD $840 al 4to - USD $210 al 5to - USD $210 al 6to - USD $210 al 7mo - USD $210 al 8vo - USD $210 al 9no - USD $210 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Javier Castellano, (2°) Edwin Gonzalez, (3°) Paco Lopez, (4°) Leonel Reyes, (5°) Jesus M. Rios, (6°) Edgar S. Prado, (7°) Irad Ortiz, Jr., (8°) Chantal Sutherland, (9°) Rafael M. Hernandez, (10°) Jose E. Morelos, (11°) Hector Isaac Berrios
Preparadores: (1°) Gilberto Zerpa, (2°) Tim Girten, (3°) Jane Cibelli, (4°) Victor Barboza, Jr., (5°) Michelle Nihei, (6°) Steve Klesaris, (7°) Larry Rivelli, (8°) Nancy S. Harris, (9°) Gerald E. Brooks, (10°) Hernan Parra, (11°) Luis Carvajal, Jr.
Studs: (1°) Ohana Racing Stable, LLC, (2°) Tim Girten, Marc Mazzocco and Tito Bongiorno, (3°) George Vires, (4°) Tranquility Farms Ventures, LLC, (5°) Circle 8, (6°) Alex Kazdan, (7°) Patricia's Hope LLC and Ravin, Richard, (8°) John G. Allen, (9°) Brooks, Gerald E. and Hess, Jr., Carl L., (10°) Hernan Parra, (11°) Gili Home Stable
Criadores: (1°) Linda S. Pastor, (2°) Antonio Martinez, (3°) Craig Lawrence Wheeler, (4°) Lakland Farm, (5°) Rose Hill Farm & John Trumbulovic, (6°) Woods Edge Farm, LLC, (7°) Down the Stretch Racing, (8°) Nancy Harris, John Allen &Christine Nunn, (9°) Crossed Sabres Farm, LLC, (10°) James R Leech, (11°) Shade Tree Thoroughbreds Inc &Joyce Corwin
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