Maiden Claiming (Mcl) Pr. "Maiden Claiming" 1200m Arena (Regular) 14:10 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $250.637 Claiming: CAD $25.000
CAD $16.320 al 1ro - CAD $6.520 al 2do - CAD $2.992 al 3ro - CAD $1.632 al 4to - CAD $978 al 5to - CAD $400 al 6to - CAD $400 al 7mo - CAD $400 al 8vo - CAD $400 al 9no - CAD $400 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Skye Chernetz, (2°) Rafael M. Hernandez, (3°) Slade Callaghan, (4°) Jerome Lermyte, (5°) Jesse M. Campbell, (6°) Eurico R. Da Silva, (7°) Sheena Ryan, (8°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (9°) Ismael E. Mosqueira, (10°) Gary Boulanger, (11°) David Moran, (12°) Sunny Singh
Preparadores: (1°) David Cotey, (2°) Denyse McClachrie, (3°) Steven Chircop, (4°) Steve Attard, (5°) Daniel J. Vella, (6°) Sid C. Attard, (7°) Cole Bennett, (8°) Nicholas Gonzalez, (9°) Nicholas Gonzalez, (10°) Martin Drexler, (11°) John Mattine, (12°) Michael K. McDonald
Studs: (1°) Dominion Bloodstock and Butzer, Barry, (2°) Ryan Shane Kerbel, (3°) Stroud, Murray and Hill, Peter, (4°) Pettle, Sheldon and Sharpe, Gilbert, (5°) Shefsky, S., Shefsky, R., Kruh, W., Kruh, T., Vella, D., Pillersdorf, S. et al., (6°) Tucci Stables, (7°) Irishyouwell Racing and Meikle, Bill, (8°) Lewis, Julianne, Gonzalez, Martha K., Rizzo, Richard A. and Klicker, Ralph, (9°) Martha K. Gonzalez, (10°) Lee, Ken, Mitchell, Dennis, Bell, Don and Bell, Gaye, (11°) Realm Racing Stables, (12°) Gordon, Andrae J. and Pilliner, Paul Everton
Criadores: (1°) Sun Valley Farm, (2°) James Everatt, Janeane Everatt, Arika Everatt-Meeuse & Tim Meeuse, (3°) Murray Stroud, (4°) Thomas G. McClay, (5°) Mike Mailhot, (6°) Goldmart Farms Inc, (7°) Thor-Bred Stables LLC, (8°) Hal Snowden Jr., (9°) Golden Legacy Stables, (10°) Wynnwood Farms, (11°) Joseph Duffel, Richard Reed &Tiffany Zammit, (12°) Andy Stronach & Wally Pugh
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