Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Hembras 3 años y más que no hayan ganado 2 carreras (h3a+) 1200m Arena (Rápida) 16:55 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $9.500 Claiming: USD $6.250
USD $5.700 al 1ro - USD $1.900 al 2do - USD $950 al 3ro - USD $475 al 4to - USD $285 al 5to - USD $100 al 6to - USD $100 al 7mo - USD $100 al 8vo - USD $100 al 9no - USD $100 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Constantino Roman, (2°) E. T. Baird, (3°) Angel A. Rodriguez, (4°) Carlos J. Ulloa, (5°) Alvin Ortiz, (6°) Christopher A. Emigh, (7°) Victor J. Bailon, (8°) Julio E. Felix, (9°) Victor Santiago, (10°) Alexis Centeno
Preparadores: (1°) Michael L. Reavis, (2°) Brian Cook, (3°) Michael E. Lauer, (4°) Armando Hernandez, (5°) Duane Wells, (6°) Erik McNeil, (7°) James Lenon, (8°) Timothy Hughes, (9°) Duane Wells, (10°) Brian Cook
Studs: (1°) Michael Reavis L., (2°) Gricelda Cecena, (3°) Penny S. Lauer, (4°) Hernandez Racing Stable, LLC, (5°) Duane Wells, (6°) Cox, John E. and Meadows, Ernest Allen, (7°) Ernest Meadows Allen, (8°) Timothy Hughes, (9°) Duane Wells, (10°) Haag, Sharon and Robey, Alysia
Criadores: (1°) Hans Poetsch & Louie Roussel, (2°) Brent Fernung & Crystal Fernung, (3°) Michael E. Lauer & Penny S. Lauer, (4°) Nolan Creek Farm, (5°) Terry Burdess, (6°) Allen Meadows & John Cox, (7°) Mike Campbell & Earl Robertson, (8°) Allen Meadows, (9°) Harvey Clarke, (10°) George E. Bates Trustee
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