Jinetes: (1°) Mitchell Murrill, (2°) Chantal Sutherland, (3°) Corey J. Lanerie, (4°) Marcelino Pedroza, (5°) Adam Beschizza, (6°) Gabriel Saez, (7°) Ronald Hisby
Preparadores: (1°) Theodore Arndt, (2°) Corale A. Richards, (3°) Scott Gelner, (4°) Angel O. Montano, Sr., (5°) Gary M. Scherer, (6°) Patrick Mouton, (7°) Delmar R. Caldwell
Studs: (1°) Dianne Arndt, (2°) Corale A. Richards, (3°) Norman Stables, LLC, (4°) Olivia M. Morales, (5°) Ulwelling, Al and Bill, (6°) Cart, Florice and Cart, Jerry D., (7°) Double Dam Farm LLC
Criadores: (1°) Paul Sita, (2°) Corale Andrew Richards & Roseanna KayGriffith, (3°) Roy Zuppardo, (4°) Merrill Scherer, (5°) Al Ulwelling & Bill Ulwelling, (6°) Jerry D. Cart & Florice Cart, (7°) Delmar Caldwell
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