Clásico (Cl) Pr. "California Cup Derby" Statebred Restriction 3yo (3a) 1700m Arena (Rápida) 16:18 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $200.000
USD $110.000 al 1ro - USD $38.000 al 2do - USD $22.000 al 3ro - USD $12.000 al 4to - USD $6.000 al 5to - USD $4.000 al 6to - USD $4.000 al 7mo - USD $4.000 al 8vo - USD $345 al 9no - USD $345 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Mike E. Smith, (2°) Geovanni Franco, (3°) Víctor Espinoza, (4°) Rajiv Maragh, (5°) Tiago J. Pereira, (6°) Evin A. Roman, (7°) Tyler Baze, (8°) Stewart Elliott, (9°) Corey Nakatani S., (10°) Santiago Gonzalez, (11°) Rafael Bejarano
Preparadores: (1°) Bob Baffert, (2°) Hector O. Palma, (3°) James M. Cassidy, (4°) Robert B. Hess, Jr., (5°) Steven Miyadi, (6°) William E. Morey, (7°) Michele Dollase, (8°) Art Sherman, (9°) Robert B. Hess, Sr., (10°) Robert B. Hess, Jr., (11°) Mark Glatt
Studs: (1°) Baedeker, Robert, Pageler, Michael and Sigband, Michael, (2°) BG Stables, (3°) D P Racing, (4°) Loooch Racing Stables, Inc., (5°) Larry I. Stein, (6°) Cybertec International Inc, Nentwig, Michael and Pagano, Ray, (7°) Silver Creek Stables, (8°) Martin, Perry and Martin, Denise, (9°) Eaton, James A., Hess, Maria E. and Muldoon, Don, (10°) Brown, T., Lambert, J., Melen, S., Newman, R. and Underhill, P., (11°) Michael A. Moran
Criadores: (1°) Michael Pageler, (2°) BG Stables, (3°) PT Syndicate #1, LLC, (4°) Dr. Mikel C. Harrington & Patricia O.Harrington, (5°) Larry Stein, (6°) Richard Barton Enterprises, (7°) James Mann, (8°) Perry Martin & Steve Coburn, (9°) Donald Muldoon, (10°) Legacy Ranch Inc, (11°) Double J H Stable, Inc.
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