Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" 4yo or more (4a+) 1200m Arena (Barrosa) 13:31 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $24.000 Claiming: USD $12.500
USD $14.400 al 1ro - USD $4.800 al 2do - USD $2.400 al 3ro - USD $1.200 al 4to - USD $720 al 5to - USD $80 al 6to - USD $80 al 7mo - USD $80 al 8vo - USD $80 al 9no - USD $80 al 10mo
Retiros: (0)Circle Unbroken, (0)King of Anything, (0)Shoot Craps
Tiempo: 1.12.99 1200m Arena (Barrosa)
A Segundo
A Tercero
(5) Flashy Indian
(11) Internet Success
(2) On the Lam
(5-11) 283.20 - 112411
(5-11-2) 2236.30 - 62451
(5-11-2-12) 2394.29 - 39557
Daily Double
(2-5) 64.20 - 61852
Favorito: (8)Alabama Tide
Mandiles: 5, 11, 2, 12, 8, 10, 9, 1, 7, 6, 4
Jinetes: (1°) Jon K. Court, (2°) Thomas L. Pompell, (3°) Gary Stevens L., (4°) C.J. McMahon, (5°) Luis Contreras, (6°) Richard E. Eramia, (7°) Alex L. Canchari, (8°) David Cohen, (9°) Fernando De La Cruz, (10°) Ramon A. Vazquez, (11°) Julio E. Felix
Preparadores: (1°) Larry Frazee, (2°) John E. Cox, (3°) Brian Williamson, (4°) John A. Ortiz, (5°) Chris A. Hartman, (6°) Karl Broberg, (7°) Miguel A. Silva, (8°) Robertino Diodoro, (9°) Kim A. Puhl, (10°) F. D. Loy, (11°) Thomas D. Vance
Studs: (1°) Pepperino Stables, (2°) Cox, John E. and Bucher, Marty, (3°) Vanier, Nancy A. and Cartwright Thoroughbreds V LLC, (4°) WSS Consulting LLC and Hooties Racing LLC, (5°) Rojas, Jackie and Sexton, William, (6°) End Zone Athletics, Inc., (7°) Metzen, Tamara and Silva Racing LLC, (8°) M and M Racing (Mike Sisk), (9°) Jack L. Boggs, (10°) David Korkames, (11°) Gary K. Tussey
Criadores: (1°) Brereton C. Jones, (2°) Tom Durant, (3°) Nancy Vanier, Cartwright 5 & BertramCulver III, (4°) Edwin Anthony, (5°) Copper Penny Stables, (6°) Porter Racing Stable, LLC, (7°) John Pendergast, (8°) Peter Eslick, (9°) McCauley Farms, LLC, (10°) Gary & Mary West Stables, Inc., (11°) Liberation Farm & Brandywine Farm
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