Jinetes: (1°) Kevin Navarro, (2°) Joel Cruz, (3°) John R. Davila, Jr., (4°) Harry Hernandez, (5°) Oscar Gomez, (6°) Nazario Alvarado, (7°) Christian J. Navarro, (8°) Luis E. Perez
Preparadores: (1°) James S. Acquilano, (2°) Ralph D'Alessandro, (3°) Chris J. Englehart, (4°) Christopher Progno, (5°) Bruce D. Anderson, (6°) Luis Gutierrez, (7°) Ilmar Loaiza, (8°) Michael A. LeCesse
Studs: (1°) River Card Stable, (2°) Gumpster Stable LLC and D'Alessandro, Ralph, (3°) Our Sugar Bear Stable LLC, (4°) Snowy Sunset Racing Stables, (5°) McDonough, Ann and Least, Laurel A., (6°) Luis Gutierrez, (7°) Salvato, Victor and Salvato, Nancy, (8°) Stuchbury, Gerard and Stuchbury, Gene P.
Criadores: (1°) James Doyle, (2°) Gumpster Stable LLC & Ralph D'Alessandro, (3°) Give Him Six, LLC, (4°) Brereton C. Jones, (5°) Laurel Least & Dr. William Willmott, (6°) Raymond J. DeStefano &Morera Breeding and Racing, LLC, (7°) Purple Haze Stables, LLC, (8°) JRita Young Thoroughbreds, LLC
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