Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Ejemplares 3 años y más (3a+) 1700m Arena (Rápida) 15:30 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $24.000 Claiming: USD $10.000
USD $12.000 al 1ro - USD $4.000 al 2do - USD $2.000 al 3ro - USD $800 al 4to - USD $200 al 5to - USD $200 al 6to - USD $200 al 7mo - USD $200 al 8vo - USD $200 al 9no - USD $200 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Isaac Castillo, (2°) Cristian A. Torres, (3°) Leonel Reyes, (4°) Samy Camacho, (5°) Luca Panici, (6°) Romero R. Maragh, (7°) Miguel A. Vasquez, (8°) Chantal Sutherland, (9°) J.C. Diaz, Jr., (10°) Jose A. Batista
Preparadores: (1°) Jorge Delgado, (2°) Rohan Crichton, (3°) Elizabeth L. Dobles, (4°) Michael J. Maker, (5°) Gerald E. Brooks, (6°) Kelsey Danner, (7°) Mark E. Casse, (8°) Antonio Sano, (9°) Diane D. Morici, (10°) Monica McGoey
Studs: (1°) TDB Racing Stable, (2°) Rohan Crichton, (3°) Imaginary Stables, (4°) Paradise Farms Corp., (5°) Brooks, Gerald E. and Hess, Jr., Carl L., (6°) Michelle Shaw A., (7°) Rocky Top Racing Stable and Ventura, James, (8°) Tami Bobo, (9°) Mastic Beach Racing, (10°) Michael Newcomer
Criadores: (1°) Kenneth L Ramsey & Sarah K Ramsey, (2°) Dr. Catherine Wills, (3°) R. S. Evans, (4°) Edward A. Cox Jr., (5°) Heather H. Ford, Dr. Patrick J. Ford VMD& James M. Herbener Jr., (6°) R. S. Evans, (7°) Kenneth L Ramsey & Sarah K Ramsey, (8°) Alpha Delta Stables, LLC, (9°) Craig B. Singer, (10°) Donegal Breeding
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