Redes Sociales

Av. Hipódromo Chile Nº 1715, Comuna de Independencia, Santiago de Chile.



+562 2709200

  • PRIMERA CARRERA 12:00 hrs.

Resultados | Hipódromo Chile - Gran Premio Hipódromo Chile

Reunión 308 Woodbine
Jueves 4 de Noviembre del 2021


Claiming (Clm)
Pr. "Claiming"
Ejemplares 3 años y más (3a+)
1300m Arena (Rápida)
16:22 hrs.

Bolsa de Premios: CAD $17.700
Claiming (Máx): CAD $5.000
Claiming (Min): CAD $4.500

CAD $7.263 al 1ro - CAD $2.421 al 2do - CAD $1.571 al 3ro - CAD $726 al 4to - CAD $428 al 5to - CAD $323 al 6to - CAD $323 al 7mo - CAD $323 al 8vo - CAD $323 al 9no - CAD $323 al 10mo

Rolling double / exacta / 0.20 trifecta / 0.20 superfecta

1° Barilko

2° Letthebighossroll

3° Agnelli

4° Majestic Melody

5° R U Watchingbud

6° Kuduro

7° Keen Samurai

8° Ben Lomond

9° Suitedconnected

10° Tinker Ring

Ejemplar (Padrillo) E. Dist. Jinete Preparador Div.
4 Barilko
(Elusive Quality)
4a 55.8 E. Wilson Catherine Day Phillips 3.2
6 Letthebighossroll
(Discreet Cat)
7a 55.8 D. Fukumoto Paul M. Buttigieg 11.3
1 Agnelli
(Frac Daddy)
4a 55.8 S. Bahen Renee D. Kierans 17.25
7 Majestic Melody
5a 55.8 T. Wolfe-Bell Renaldo Holder 20.85
10 R U Watchingbud
(Kentucky Bear)
9a 55.8 L. Contreras John A. Ross 6.35
3 Kuduro
4a 55.8 J. Crawford Steven Chircop 13.15
2 Keen Samurai
(First Samurai)
5a 55.8 J. Hoyte Alexander F. McPherson 5.05
5 Ben Lomond
(Signature Red)
7a 55.8 K. Kimura Martin Drexler 1.85
8 Suitedconnected
(Rookie Sensation)
5a 55.8 O. Moreno Steven Chircop 35.8
10° 9 Tinker Ring
(Where's the Ring)
7a 10¾ 53.5 M. David Daniel Wills 75.45
Corrieron Todos
Tiempo: 01.16.58 1300m Arena (Rápida)
Ejemplar Ganador A Segundo A Tercero
(4) Barilko 8.4 4.9 4.4
(6) Letthebighossroll
9.3 5.1
(1) Agnelli

Ganador 8.4
Exacta (4-6) 38.35 - 114589
Trifecta (4-6-1) 63.10 - 78551
Superfecta (4-6-1-7) 440.98 - 52869
Daily Double (5-4) 66.25 - 14358
Favorito: (5)Ben Lomond

Mandiles: 4, 6, 1, 7, 10, 3, 2, 5, 8, 9

Jinetes: (1°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (2°) Daisuke Fukumoto, (3°) Steven R. Bahen, (4°) Teneca Wolfe-Bell, (5°) Luis Contreras, (6°) Juan Crawford, (7°) Jason Hoyte, (8°) Kazushi Kimura, (9°) Omar Moreno, (10°) Michael David

Preparadores: (1°) Catherine Day Phillips, (2°) Paul M. Buttigieg, (3°) Renee D. Kierans, (4°) Renaldo Holder, (5°) John A. Ross, (6°) Steven Chircop, (7°) Alexander F. McPherson, (8°) Martin Drexler, (9°) Steven Chircop, (10°) Daniel Wills

Studs: (1°) Anderson Farms Ontario Inc., Ledson, George Philip and Kelly, Scott, (2°) Buttigieg Training Centre, (3°) Wallace Standardbreds Inc., Kierans, Renee D. and Ruch, Jeffrey, (4°) Bana N. Tsegai and Mikhail Carmichael, (5°) JC Stable, (6°) JDLP Holdings, Inc, (7°) P413 Racing, (8°) Rowbotham, David, Carpenter, Rodney and Boogmans, Tony, (9°) Steven Chircop, (10°) Jeanne Ryan M.

Criadores: (1°) Anderson Farms Ont. Inc. & Godolphin, (2°) Paul Buttigieg, (3°) Rita Schnitzler & Sandy Giffen, (4°) Spring Farm, (5°) Bear Stables Ltd., (6°) T.J. Loafman DVM, (7°) Tall Oaks Farm, (8°) Colebrook Farms, (9°) Domenic Triumbari, (10°) Paul Buttigieg