Jinetes: (1°) Frankie Pennington, (2°) Abner Adorno, (3°) Wilmer A. Garcia, (4°) Tyler Conner, (5°) Inoel Beato, (6°) Rosario Montanez, (7°) Dana G. Whitney
Preparadores: (1°) Robert E. Reid, Jr., (2°) Marya K. Montoya, (3°) David Nunn, (4°) Kelly J. Breen, (5°) Andrew L. Simoff, (6°) Brittany Russell, (7°) Ron G. Potts
Studs: (1°) St. Omer's Farm and Feifarek, Christopher J., (2°) Robert Roffey, Jr. C., (3°) Tesla Stables, (4°) Kenwood Racing LLC and Degaetano and Pastore, Inc., (5°) Siedler, Craig and Simoff, Andrew L., (6°) Dubb, Michael and Bethlehem Stables LLC, (7°) The Elkstone Group LLC
Criadores: (1°) Susan C Quick & Christopher J Feifarek, (2°) Robert C. Roffey Jr., (3°) Mark A. Toothaker, (4°) Kenwood Racing LLC, (5°) Siedler & Simoff, (6°) Beatrice Patterson & Vicky Schowe, (7°) Blackstone Farm, LLC
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