Jinetes: (1°) Rohan R. Singh, (2°) Anardis Rodriguez, (3°) Ernesto Valdez-Jiminez, (4°) Ted D. Gondron, (5°) Rodolfo Guerra, (6°) Eddie Martin, Jr., (7°) Donnie J. Meche, (8°) Ivan Arellano
Preparadores: (1°) Charles E. Smith, (2°) Mike R. Neatherlin, (3°) J. R. Bustamante, (4°) Danny Pish, (5°) Edelmiro Carrizales, (6°) Mike R. Neatherlin, (7°) Steven M. Asmussen, (8°) Allen C. Dupuy
Studs: (1°) Terry Propps, (2°) Mike R. Neatherlin, (3°) Balkum, Kitty and Goodale, Kathy, (4°) Love, Michele and Cliff, (5°) Edelmiro Carrizales, (6°) Happy Hour Stables, (7°) Brewster, Clark O. and Asmussen, Steven M., (8°) James Wessel
Criadores: (1°) Charles E. Smith & Terry L. Propps, (2°) Jaylan Renay Neatherlin, (3°) Ray Bustamante, (4°) Cliff Love, (5°) Emilio S. Gutierrez, (6°) Larry Brumbaugh, (7°) W. S. Farish & E.J. Hudson, Jr. Irrevocable Trust, (8°) James Wessel
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