Jinetes: (1°) Christopher Husbands, (2°) Steven R. Bahen, (3°) Jodeien Anderson, (4°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (5°) Jason Hoyte, (6°) Isabelle C. Wenc, (7°) Larry Munoz
Preparadores: (1°) Julie Belhumeur, (2°) Michelle M. Love, (3°) Harold Ladouceur, (4°) Michelle M. Love, (5°) Paul M. Buttigieg, (6°) Frank Huarte, (7°) Saul McHugh
Studs: (1°) Hardie, Robert M. and Belhumeur, Julie, (2°) Big Willow Stables, (3°) Charles Boyd, (4°) Love, Michelle M., Big Willow Stables, Atkinson, Christopher and Kleiber, Justin, (5°) Buttigieg Training Centre, (6°) Ruvee Stables, (7°) Brohman, Robyn and Hewitt-Topp, Maureen E.
Criadores: (1°) Steve Tortora & Beverley Tortora, (2°) Robert Craig, (3°) Jessie Ladouceur & Charles Boyd, (4°) Robert Craig, (5°) Paul Buttigieg, (6°) Frank Huarte, (7°) Dr. Michael Gentry & Carolyn Gentry
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