Jinetes: (1°) Declan Carroll, (2°) Julio E. Felix, (3°) E. T. Baird, (4°) Edgar Perez, (5°) Christopher A. Emigh, (6°) Samuel Camacho, Jr., (7°) Isaiah Wiseman
Preparadores: (1°) Anthony J. Granitz, (2°) Oscar Sanchez, (3°) Dee Poulos, (4°) Joel Campbell, (5°) Frank J. Kirby, (6°) Chris Banks, (7°) Jon M. Cowan
Studs: (1°) Davis, Kenneth A. and Granitz, Anthony J., (2°) Razvi, Omar and Fleischman, Mike, (3°) Dundalk 5 LLC, Wesley F, Herek Racing Stable, LLC and 21 Racing, LLC, (4°) Daddy's Dip Racing Stable, (5°) James M. Kelly, (6°) Banks Racing LLC, (7°) JMC Racing
Criadores: (1°) Brent Fernung, Crystal Fernung & Eugene Cahalan, (2°) Arapaho LLC and Dick Lossen, (3°) Camas Park Stud, (4°) Chad Stewart & Laurie Stewart DVM, (5°) James M. Kelly, (6°) Gary K Tussey, (7°) James A Everatt, Janeane A Everatt & J Arika Everatt-Meeuse
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