Jinetes: (1°) Mitchell Murrill, (2°) Constantino Roman, (3°) Sophie Doyle, (4°) Pedro L. Cotto, Jr., (5°) Olaf Hernandez, (6°) Jermaine V. Bridgmohan, (7°) Channing Hill, (8°) Christopher A. Emigh, (9°) Jose Valdivia, Jr., (10°) Skyler Spanabel, (11°) Harry Hernandez
Preparadores: (1°) Ingrid Mason, (2°) James M. Gulick, (3°) Joe Kirby, (4°) Manny Perez, (5°) Dee Poulos, (6°) Thomas H. Swearingen, (7°) Wayne M. Catalano, (8°) Scott Becker, (9°) Larry Rivelli, (10°) Kelly R. Spanabel, (11°) Dee Poulos
Studs: (1°) Donald J. Yeakel, (2°) Gulick, James M., Earnest, David W. and Stevens, Lou, (3°) Kirby, Frank J., Zirngibl, III, Richard and Callahan, Timothy, (4°) Royalty Farms LLC, (5°) Dundalk 5 LLC, (6°) Couch, Ron, Frankovich, Amy and Bland, Roland, (7°) Family Tree Racing, Inc., (8°) William Stiritz, (9°) Carolyn Wilson, (10°) Frederick Ryan Spanabel, (11°) Dundalk 5 LLC, Ernie T. Poulos Racing Stable, Inc. and Mata, Ruben
Criadores: (1°) Rosedown Racing Stables, LLC, (2°) Get Away Farm, (3°) Sharon Kirby, (4°) Meryl J. Squires-Cannon, (5°) Virginia H. Tarra Trust, (6°) Brinker Hill Farm, Inc., (7°) Barney Gallagher & Anne Gallagher, (8°) William P. Stiritz, (9°) Stone Farm, (10°) Andy Sauve, (11°) Hutch Holsapple
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