Clásico (Cl) Pr. "Timely Ruckus H." 3yo or more (3a+) 1300m Arena (Rápida) 16:05 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $56.000
CAD $26.255 al 1ro - CAD $7.216 al 2do - CAD $3.608 al 3ro - CAD $2.165 al 4to - CAD $1.443 al 5to - CAD $768 al 6to - CAD $768 al 7mo - CAD $768 al 8vo
Jinetes: (1°) Rigo Sarmiento, (2°) Rico W. Walcott, (3°) Shamaree Muir, (4°) Dane Nelson, (5°) Larry Munoz, (6°) Neptali Ortiz A., (7°) Wilmer Galviz, (U°) Antonio A. Reyes
Preparadores: (1°) Tim Rycroft, (2°) Tim Rycroft, (3°) Rick Hedge, (4°) Rodney J. Cone, (5°) Ernie J. Keller, (6°) Tim Rycroft, (7°) Tom Rycroft, (U°) Philip Hall
Studs: (1°) Mitch Klimove, (2°) Sabre Farms, (3°) Almac Racing Stable, (4°) Sycamore Stables, (5°) Deltin Stable and Welsh, Ed, (6°) Riversedge Racing Stables, Ltd., (7°) C and H Duggan Farms Ltd. and Shot In The Dark Racing Corp., (U°) Peter Redekop B. C., Ltd.
Criadores: (1°) Roy Robert McCLintock, (2°) Rapputi Stable LLC, (3°) Kinsman Farm & John R. Murrell, (4°) Bear Stables Inc., (5°) Zayat Stables LLC, (6°) Nolan Creek Farm, (7°) Keene Ridge Racing, LLC, (U°) Dr. Chris Lesbines, Rod Burk & MichaelYovankin
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