Jinetes: (1°) Hugo Sanchez, (2°) Leslie Mawing, (3°) Ry Eikleberry, (4°) Denny Velazquez, (5°) Jareth Loveberry, (6°) Israel Hernandez
Preparadores: (1°) Chris Richard, (2°) Gary M. Scherer, (3°) Randy Rarick, (4°) Troy A. Bethke, (5°) Chris Richard, (6°) Michael R. Bolinger
Studs: (1°) Sprick, Cheryl and Bremer, Richard, (2°) Ulwelling, Al and Bill, (3°) Lureen, Renee and Lureen, John F., (4°) Strohkirch, Dennis and Hauge, Tom, (5°) Duoos, Lisa and Zahler, James, (6°) Rodney F. Leyendecker
Criadores: (1°) Richard Bremer & Cheryl Sprick, (2°) Al Ulwelling & Bill Ulwelling, (3°) Curtis A. Sampson, (4°) Dennis Strohkirch, (5°) Lisa Ann Duoos, (6°) Rodney F. Leyendecker
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