Jinetes: (1°) Diego Saenz, (2°) Ashley Broussard, (3°) Pedro L. Cotto, Jr., (4°) Gerard Melancon, (5°) Timothy Thornton, (6°) Kevin J. Smith, (7°) Kody Kellenberger
Preparadores: (1°) W. B. Calhoun, (2°) Alan Klanfer, (3°) Arthur L. Pike, III, (4°) John Ney, (5°) Sam B. David, Jr., (6°) Allison Ramsay-Banks, (7°) Shelton J. Zenon, Sr.
Studs: (1°) William T. Reed, (2°) Blue Ridge Racing, (3°) Thomas, Brad and Tate, Joe, (4°) Dina Angelo, (5°) Chief One LLC(Ted Brandon Jr and Thomas Early), (6°) Farm d'Allie Racing Stable, (7°) Sebastien, J. Ronald and Linda
Criadores: (1°) Nathan C. Granger, (2°) Circle H Farm, (3°) Larry Romero, (4°) Foundation Racing Stables, (5°) Chief One LLC, (6°) Farm D'Allie Racing Stable LLC, (7°) Riceland Racing Stables LLC
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