Jinetes: (1°) Christopher A. Emigh, (2°) Declan Carroll, (3°) Jareth Loveberry, (4°) Constantino Roman, (5°) Javier Tavares, (6°) Samuel Camacho, Jr., (7°) E. T. Baird, (8°) Rocco Bowen
Preparadores: (1°) Brittany Vanden Berg, (2°) Christopher Davis, (3°) Larry Rivelli, (4°) Fernando Bahena, (5°) Leonard M. Slager, (6°) Patti R. Miller, (7°) Carlos H. Silva, (8°) Thomas H. Swearingen
Studs: (1°) RSR Racing Services, LLC (Robert S. Rhoads), (2°) Ryan C. Ritt, (3°) Down The Stretch Racing Stables, Inc. (Larry Rivelli), Patricia's Hope LLC, Mustari, Frank A. and Mulvihill, Michael, (4°) Jose Rodriguez G., (5°) Carlos Ramirez, (6°) Craig Glander, (7°) William Granger, (8°) Carl Brittingham
Criadores: (1°) Betz/Lamantia/J. Betz, (2°) David Lickhalter, (3°) Stone Farm, LLC, (4°) Dr. Donald J. McCrosky DVM, (5°) Colts Neck Stables, LLC, (6°) Aaron & Marie Jones, (7°) Calumet Farm, (8°) Michael Feuerborn & Amy Feuerborn
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