Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Fillies and Mares 3yo or more (h3a+) 1400m Sintética (Regular) 14:45 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $16.000 Claiming (Máx): CAD $6.250 Claiming (Min): CAD $6.000
CAD $7.433 al 1ro - CAD $2.973 al 2do - CAD $1.908 al 3ro - CAD $892 al 4to - CAD $372 al 5to - CAD $310 al 6to - CAD $310 al 7mo - CAD $310 al 8vo - CAD $310 al 9no - CAD $310 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Chantal Sutherland, (2°) Slade Callaghan, (3°) Jesse M. Campbell, (4°) Skye Chernetz, (5°) Christopher Husbands, (6°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (7°) Omar Moreno, (8°) Kazushi Kimura, (9°) Luis Contreras, (10°) Isabelle C. Wenc, (11°) Simon P. Husbands, (12°) Sunny Singh, (13°) Jeffrey I. Alderson, (14°) Steven R. Bahen
Preparadores: (1°) Deborah England, (2°) Daniel J. Vella, (3°) Robert Gerl, (4°) Marko Mesic, (5°) Roy C. Jones, (6°) Julia Carey, (7°) Thomas Bland, (8°) Norman McKnight, (9°) Steve Attard, (10°) W. V. Armata, (11°) Michael K. McDonald, (12°) Sylvain Pion, (13°) Alexander P. Patykewich, (14°) John Cardella
Studs: (1°) Douglas J. Reddington, (2°) Murray Stroud, (3°) 1824782 Ontario Inc., (4°) Bay Ridge Orchards Ltd., (5°) Jones, Roy C. and Raghunath, Shantie, (6°) Valiant Ranches Ltd., (7°) Albert Bland, (8°) Jaroslaw B. Kowalczyk, (9°) Sheldon Pettle, (10°) Enza Armata, (11°) Michael K. McDonald, (12°) Stephen Robinson, (13°) Alexander P. Patykewich, (14°) Cooper, Paul and Cardella, John
Criadores: (1°) Barry R. Ostrager, (2°) Huntington Stud Farm Corp., (3°) 1824782 Ontario Inc., (4°) Bay Ridge Orchards Limited, (5°) Cosmic Hoofprints L.L.C., (6°) Elaine Macpherson & Furlongs Inc., (7°) Charles Fipke, (8°) Charles Fipke, (9°) Brandywine Farm, (10°) Paul Buttigieg, (11°) William F. Murphy & Annabel Murphy, (12°) Gus Roche, (13°) John Unger, (14°) Domenic Triumbari
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