Jinetes: (1°) Ryan Barber, (2°) Hugo Herrera, (3°) Heribert N. Martinez, (4°) Abel Cedillo, (5°) Irving Orozco, (6°) Pedro Terrero M., (7°) Francisco Monroy, (8°) Cristobal Herrera
Preparadores: (1°) Jerry R. Puertas, (2°) Gary Greiner, (3°) John F. Martin, (4°) Ed Moger, Jr., (5°) Duane Offield, (6°) Bruce Dillenbeck, (7°) Quentin B. Miller, (8°) Jonathan Wong
Studs: (1°) Jerry R. Puertas, (2°) Desiree Hicks, (3°) Martin, John and Valpredo, Donald, (4°) Dory, Bill and Sandy and Kropp, Gary and Janet, (5°) Al P. Pitchko, (6°) Bruce Dillenbeck, (7°) Schmitt, George and Schmitt, Mary Clare, (8°) Odbert, Larry and Pesetti, Peter
Criadores: (1°) Harold May & Virginia May, (2°) RLI Investment Inc., (3°) Donald Valpredo, (4°) Gary Kroop, Janet Kroop, Bill Dory &Sandy Dory, (5°) Jerry Jamgotchian LLC, (6°) George Schmitt & Mary Clare Schmitt, (7°) George Schmitt & Mary Clare Schmitt, (8°) Jack Swain III
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