Jinetes: (1°) Thomas L. Pompell, (2°) Chris R. Rosier, (3°) Emanuel Nieves, (4°) Diego Saenz, (5°) Gerardo Mora, (6°) Timothy Thornton, (7°) Luis Negron, (8°) Carlos Quinones, (9°) Roberto Morales, (10°) Eguard Andres Tejera
Preparadores: (1°) Scott Gelner, (2°) Lee Thomas, (3°) Henry B. Johnson, Jr., (4°) Danny Pish, (5°) Terry W. Vance, (6°) Karl Broberg, (7°) Jose M. Camejo, (8°) Samuel Breaux, (9°) W. B. Calhoun, (10°) Jorge Lara
Studs: (1°) Tye E. Smith, (2°) Celia Smith, (3°) Drop 23, LLC, (4°) Pete Muzyka, (5°) Orange Grove Thoroughbreds, Inc., (6°) M and M Racing (Mike Sisk), (7°) Chris Aulds, (8°) Lagrange, Ricky and Lagrange, Nadine, (9°) Love Partnership Interests LP, (10°) Penny Scarberry
Criadores: (1°) Daniel R Chicola, (2°) Celia Smith, (3°) Gulf Haven Farms, (4°) Michael Wallace, Elite Farm & Larry Mayo, (5°) Orange Grove Thoroughbreds, Inc., (6°) Thomas M. Galvin, (7°) Jason Hall, Jon Dean, and Bob Schreiber, (8°) Jason Hall, (9°) Clear Creek Stud LLC, (10°) Penny Scarberry
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