Redes Sociales

Av. Hipódromo Chile Nº 1715, Comuna de Independencia, Santiago de Chile.



+562 2709200

  • PRIMERA CARRERA 12:00 hrs.

Resultados | Hipódromo Chile - Gran Premio Hipódromo Chile

Reunión 334 Aqueduct
Viernes 30 de Noviembre del 2018


Maiden (Msw)
Pr. "Maiden"
Statebred Restriction 2yo (2a)
1300m Arena (Regular)
14:47 hrs.

Bolsa de Premios: USD $62.000

USD $34.100 al 1ro - USD $12.400 al 2do - USD $7.440 al 3ro - USD $3.720 al 4to - USD $2.480 al 5to - USD $310 al 6to - USD $310 al 7mo - USD $310 al 8vo - USD $310 al 9no - USD $310 al 10mo

1° Kadens Courage

2° Bebe Banker

3° Jemography

4° Fleet Warrior

5° Hot Diggitty

6° Mac's Revolution

7° Coolboy

8° True Gold

9° St. Paddy's Boy

10° Crack Shot

11° Romancing the Cat

Ejemplar (Padrillo) E. Dist. Jinete Preparador Div.
10 Kadens Courage
(Frost Giant)
2a 53.8 I. Ortiz, Rudy R. Rodriguez 5.1
9 Bebe Banker
(Central Banker)
2a 11¼ 53.8 M. Luzzi James W. Ferraro 38
4 Jemography
(Big Brown)
2a 12½ 53.8 L. Saez Joe Sharp 16.5
6 Fleet Warrior
(Bustin Stones)
2a 12¾ 53.8 D. Davis Timothy A. Hills 12.9
7 Hot Diggitty
(Frost Giant)
2a 13½ 53.8 M. Franco Jeremiah C. Englehart 2.85
12 Mac's Revolution
2a 20¼ 51.1 J. Martinez Edward R. Barker 72
3 Coolboy
2a 20½ 53.8 L. Reyes Anthony W. Dutrow 39.75
2 True Gold
(Frost Giant)
2a 21 53.8 J. Rosario Charlton Baker 0.9
11 St. Paddy's Boy
(Big Brown)
2a 39¼ 53.8 H. Diaz, Jr. Joan Milne 125.25
10° 5 Crack Shot
2a 41½ 51.6 R. Gutierrez Jeremiah C. Englehart 24
11° 8 Romancing the Cat
(Courageous Cat)
2a 51¼ 53.8 E. Cancel Rory K. Huston 89
Retiros: (0)D Emcee
Tiempo: 1.20.12 1300m Arena (Regular)
Ejemplar Ganador A Segundo A Tercero
(10) Kadens Courage 12.20 6.70 5.30
(9) Bebe Banker
27.20 12.40
(4) Jemography

Ganador 12.20
Exacta (10-9) 181.25 - 214174
Trifecta (10-9-4) 847.75 - 124654
Superfecta (10-9-4-6) 851.60 - 75632
Daily Double (1-10) 10.00 - 44445
Favorito: (2)True Gold

Mandiles: 10, 9, 4, 6, 7, 12, 3, 2, 11, 5, 8

Jinetes: (1°) Irad Ortiz, Jr., (2°) Michael J. Luzzi, (3°) Luis Saez, (4°) Dylan Davis, (5°) Manuel Franco, (6°) Joey R. Martinez, (7°) Luis R. Reyes, (8°) Joel Rosario, (9°) Hector R. Diaz, Jr., (10°) Reylu Gutierrez, (11°) Eric Cancel

Preparadores: (1°) Rudy R. Rodriguez, (2°) James W. Ferraro, (3°) Joe Sharp, (4°) Timothy A. Hills, (5°) Jeremiah C. Englehart, (6°) Edward R. Barker, (7°) Anthony W. Dutrow, (8°) Charlton Baker, (9°) Joan Milne, (10°) Jeremiah C. Englehart, (11°) Rory K. Huston

Studs: (1°) Sunrise Stables and Celeritas Racing LLC, (2°) McMahon, Joseph G., McMahon, Anne, Windy Lea Farms, Windswept Stables and Buchak, (3°) Sanders, Wayne and Hirsch, Larry, (4°) Susi, Robert and Braverman, Paul, (5°) Hobby Horse Stables LLC, (6°) J and M Racing Stables and Driscoll, James P., (7°) Kennesaw Mountain Racing, LLC, (8°) Francis J. Paolangeli, (9°) Danza, Larry and Mary, (10°) Double O Racing Stable LLC, (11°) Bergen Stables, LLC

Criadores: (1°) Sunrise Stables, (2°) Blue Sapphire Farm, LLC, (3°) Golden Goose Enterprise, (4°) Hibiscus Stable, (5°) Hobby Horse Stables, LLC & John P. Hicks, (6°) J and M Racing Stable, (7°) H. Allen Poindexter, (8°) Francis Paolangeli, (9°) Laurence Danza & Mary Danza, (10°) Stone Bridge Farm, LLC, (11°) Bergen Stables