Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Hembras 3 años y más que no hayan ganado 2 carreras (h3a+) 1600m Pasto (Firm) 15:29 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $17.450 Claiming: USD $10.000
USD $9.833 al 1ro - USD $3.450 al 2do - USD $1.725 al 3ro - USD $1.035 al 4to - USD $173 al 5to - USD $173 al 6to - USD $173 al 7mo - USD $172 al 8vo - USD $172 al 9no - USD $172 al 10mo
Retiros: (2)Stoney's Monkey, (12)West Burke, (14)Galit Jak
Tiempo: 01.37.84 1600m Pasto (Firm)
A Segundo
A Tercero
(1) Starship Goddess
(13) Tropical Frosty
(8) Kelcie's Mandate
(1-13) 57.90 - 183824
(1-13-8) 298.55 - 123251
(1-13-8-4) 588.55 - 67582
Daily Double
(5-1) 16.50 - 11023
Favorito: (1)Starship Goddess
Mandiles: 1, 13, 8, 4, 7, 10, 6, 11, 5, 3, 9
Jinetes: (1°) Walber Alencar, (2°) Ronald D. Allen, Jr., (3°) Huber Villa-Gomez, (4°) Keiber J. Coa, (5°) Daniel Centeno, (6°) Antonio A. Gallardo, (7°) Wilmer A. Garcia, (8°) Isaac Castillo, (9°) Samy Camacho, (10°) Raul E. Mena, (11°) Alonso Quinonez
Preparadores: (1°) M. A. Ferraro, (2°) Eduardo Azpurua, Jr., (3°) Robert A. Raymond, (4°) Peter Wasiluk, Jr., (5°) Brenda McCarthy, (6°) Baltazar Galvan, (7°) Vickie Smith, (8°) Donald F. Hunt, (9°) Gerald S. Bennett, (10°) Victor Carrasco, Jr., (11°) Robert W. Bordis
Studs: (1°) Starship Stables, (2°) Gory, Elizabeth and Gory, Mark, (3°) Pedro Posadas, (4°) Michael Corder, (5°) Glorious Uncertainty Stable, (6°) Six SandBaggers Stables, (7°) Smith, Vickie and Bruning, Donald, (8°) Hunt, Donald F., McGowan, Collyns L. and McGowan, Maclayne T., (9°) Mr Pug LLC and J.P.G. 2 LLC, (10°) William Rivera, (11°) Karlin, Judy and Whitman, Christy
Criadores: (1°) Adena Springs & Millennium Farms, (2°) Sunrise Stables LLC & Taconic RacingStable, LLC, (3°) Columbiana Farm LLC, (4°) Michael Corder, (5°) Mr. & Mrs. Annuncio Stanchieri & Farm III Enterprises, (6°) Sorrento Oaks Farm Inc., (7°) Vickie Smith, (8°) Robert J. Hunt, (9°) Cedar Gate Farm LLC, (10°) John Oxley Living Trust, (11°) Judy Karlin
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