Maiden Claiming (Mcl) Pr. "Maiden Claiming" Fillies and Mares 3yo or more (h3a+) 1200m Arena (Rápida) 18:11 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $18.700 Claiming (Máx): CAD $10.000 Claiming (Min): CAD $9.500
CAD $13.440 al 1ro - CAD $4.480 al 2do - CAD $2.057 al 3ro - CAD $1.122 al 4to - CAD $783 al 5to - CAD $400 al 6to - CAD $400 al 7mo - CAD $400 al 8vo - CAD $400 al 9no - CAD $400 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) David Moran, (2°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (3°) Daisuke Fukumoto, (4°) Eurico R. Da Silva, (5°) Leo Salles, (6°) Juan Crawford, (7°) Alan Garcia, (8°) Rafael M. Hernandez, (9°) Christopher Husbands, (10°) Ismael E. Mosqueira, (11°) Sheena Ryan, (12°) Luis Contreras
Preparadores: (1°) Ashlee Brnjas, (2°) Nicholas Gonzalez, (3°) Gerald E. Seymour, (4°) Kevin Attard, (5°) Luke Carnegie, (6°) Tedston Holder, (7°) Paul M. Buttigieg, (8°) Dorothy Gentner, (9°) Anthony Husbands, (10°) Nicholas Gonzalez, (11°) Luke Carnegie, (12°) Sam Di Pasquale
Studs: (1°) Colebrook Farms, (2°) Kennedy, Mary Ellen and Douglas A., Allum, Joan M., Raphael, Lessee, Mary J., (3°) Harvey Tenenbaum, (4°) Attard, Kevin and Mehta, Soli, (5°) i2 Stables, (6°) Hoyte, Jason J. and Holder, Tedston, (7°) Buttigieg Training Centre, (8°) RB and L Stable, (9°) Off Shore Racing Stable, (10°) Horse'n Around Racing Stable and Gonzalez, Martha K., (11°) Radcliffe Racing Stable, (12°) Cooper, Paul and Pirone, Joe
Criadores: (1°) Colebrook Farms, (2°) M. E. Kennedy, (3°) B.P.N., (4°) M. E. Kennedy, (5°) Michael C. Byrne, (6°) Barr Inman, (7°) Paul Buttigieg, (8°) RB&L Stable, (9°) Wanda Ladiges & Diana Clark, (10°) Bear Stables Ltd., (11°) Howard Walton, (12°) Joseph Pirone
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