Jinetes: (1°) Diego Saenz, (2°) Timothy Thornton, (3°) Gerard Melancon, (4°) Joel Dominguez, (5°) Jansen Melancon, (6°) Alex Birzer, (7°) Aubrie Green, (8°) Carlos L. Marquez
Preparadores: (1°) Ronnie Averett, (2°) Karl Broberg, (3°) Jerry Delhomme, (4°) Ronnie P. Ward, (5°) Gary J. Husak, (6°) Dale White, Sr., (7°) Juan A. Larrosa, (8°) Jeff Delhomme
Studs: (1°) Gerald L. Averett, Jr., (2°) End Zone Athletics, Inc., (3°) Set-Hut LLC, (4°) Gillis, Betty J. and Joseph A., (5°) Persons, Robert L. and Earl Conrad Sanderson, LLC, (6°) Dale White, Sr., (7°) Israel Flores Horses LLC, (8°) Jeff Delhomme L.
Criadores: (1°) Margie K. Averett, (2°) Michele Rodriguez, (3°) Michael Villar & Cynthia Villar, (4°) Ironwater Farms Joint Venture, (5°) Virginia Lazenby Racing Stable LLC, (6°) Margie K. Averett, (7°) Bentley T. Early, (8°) Coteau Grove Farms, LLC
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