Jinetes: (1°) Florent Geroux, (2°) James Graham, (3°) Aubrie Green, (4°) Gabriel Saez, (5°) Colby J. Hernandez, (6°) Mitchell Murrill, (7°) Kody Kellenberger, (8°) Isaiah Wiseman
Preparadores: (1°) Ron Faucheux, (2°) Samuel Breaux, (3°) Allison Ramsay-Banks, (4°) W. B. Calhoun, (5°) Jeff Delhomme, (6°) Lee Thomas, (7°) Roland L. Bruno, (8°) Chad Ladner
Studs: (1°) World War IV Racing and Rebel Tide Racing, LLC, (2°) Mark Necaise, (3°) Farm d'Allie Racing Stable, (4°) William T. Reed, (5°) Set-Hut LLC, (6°) Respect the Valleys, LLC, (7°) Nasir Sohail, (8°) Katelyn Ladner
Criadores: (1°) World War IV Racing & Rebel Tide Racing LLC, (2°) Markkim Farms, (3°) Farm D'Allie Racing Stable LLC, (4°) Nathan C. Granger, (5°) J. Adcock, (6°) Coteau Grove Farms, LLC, (7°) Lee Young Farm, (8°) 5 B Farm, LLC
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