Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Ejemplares 3 años y más que no hayan ganado 3 carreras (3a+) 1400m Arena (Rápida) 15:58 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $17.700 Claiming (Máx): CAD $5.000 Claiming (Min): CAD $4.500
CAD $8.111 al 1ro - CAD $1.909 al 2do - CAD $1.050 al 3ro - CAD $516 al 4to - CAD $306 al 6to - CAD $306 al 7mo - CAD $306 al 8vo - CAD $306 al 9no - CAD $306 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Jeffrey I. Alderson, (2°) Kirk Johnson, (3°) Sahin Civaci, (4°) Steven R. Bahen, (4°) Luis Contreras, (6°) Teneca Wolfe-Bell, (7°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (8°) Keveh Nicholls, (9°) Jason Hoyte, (10°) Sheena Ryan, (11°) Skye Chernetz, (12°) Christopher Husbands, (13°) Juan Crawford, (14°) Justin Stein
Preparadores: (1°) William Tharrenos, (2°) L. R. Barrow, (3°) Mary-Anne Baumgartner, (4°) David R. Bell, (4°) Alison Crook, (6°) Julie Belhumeur, (7°) John A. Ross, (8°) John A. Ross, (9°) Sarah Ritchie, (10°) Robert J. Rose, (11°) Tony M. Gattellaro, (12°) Sylvester Ollivierre, (13°) Julie Mathes, (14°) Michael P. De Paulo
Studs: (1°) Natural Eight Stable and J & B Wright Racing, Inc., (2°) Bruno Schickedanz, (3°) Sandown Racing Club Lessee, (4°) David Bell R., (4°) Karina Shaak, (6°) Bana Tsegai N., (7°) JC Stable and Smith, Cheryl, (8°) JC Stable and Smith, Cheryl, (9°) Joe Pirone, (10°) Rose, Robert J. and Jam Rock Stable, (11°) Polo Management Services, (12°) Deron Budhoo, (13°) David Mathes J., (14°) Russell, John E., Newtop Stables, Depaulo, Joseph and Depaulo, Michael P.
Criadores: (1°) Ivan Dalos, (2°) Woodford Thoroughbreds, (3°) White House Stables and Mary-AnneBaumgartner, (4°) Bay Ridge Orchards Limited, (4°) Paul Buttigieg, (6°) Spring Farm, (7°) Kingview Farms, (8°) Tall Oaks Farm, (9°) Joseph Pirone, (10°) Mary Ellen Biamonte, (11°) Brian O'Leary, (12°) H. Lothian, (13°) Andy Stronach, (14°) William D. Graham
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