Jinetes: (1°) Ernesto Valdez-Jiminez, (2°) Luis Negron, (3°) Enrique P. Gomez, (4°) Alfredo J. Juarez, Jr., (5°) Frank Reyes, (6°) Rodolfo Guerra, (7°) Luis R. Rodriguez, (8°) Jimmy R. Coates, (9°) Aldo Arboleda, (10°) Casey R. Chavez, (11°) Bonifacio Perez
Preparadores: (1°) Greg Green, (2°) Ever Olguin, (3°) Bennie L. Woolley, Jr., (4°) Casey T. Lambert, (5°) Michael K. Barber, (6°) Terri Rust, (7°) Hermenegildo G. Aldavaz, (8°) Raul V. Vega, (9°) Stephanie Esparza, (10°) Clark Spencer, (11°) Don A. Young
Studs: (1°) Samuel F. Henderson, (2°) Carlos Orozco, (3°) Smith, Gene, Woolley, Jr., Bennie L. and Stewart, Steve, (4°) Melanie Larrabee, (5°) Double Eagle Ranch, (6°) Henderson, Charles C. and Rust, Blake, (7°) Hermenegildo Aldavaz G., (8°) Jorge Fernandez L., (9°) Dezmer, Jack and Harris, Joyce, (10°) Kathie C. Jermain, (11°) Young, Don A. and Choya
Criadores: (1°) Larry R. Teague, (2°) W. T. Stradley, (3°) John Austin Smith & Gene Austin Smith, (4°) Melanie Larrabee, (5°) Double Eagle Ranch, (6°) Blake Rust & Charles Henderson, (7°) Jim Volk, (8°) R Legacy Racing, Inc, (9°) Dezmer J Harris & Joyce A Harris, (10°) Joann Wilson, (11°) Don Young & Choya Young
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