Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Ejemplares 3 años y más que no hayan ganado 3 carreras (3a+) 1300m Arena (Rápida) 15:41 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $17.700 Claiming (Máx): CAD $5.000 Claiming (Min): CAD $4.500
CAD $6.755 al 1ro - CAD $2.657 al 2do - CAD $1.238 al 3ro - CAD $563 al 4to - CAD $300 al 5to - CAD $300 al 6to - CAD $300 al 7mo - CAD $300 al 8vo - CAD $300 al 9no - CAD $300 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Steven R. Bahen, (2°) Kazushi Kimura, (3°) Keveh Nicholls, (4°) Hannah R. Twomey, (5°) Sahin Civaci, (6°) Kirk Johnson, (7°) Luis Contreras, (8°) Jeffrey I. Alderson, (9°) Juan Crawford, (10°) Christopher Husbands, (11°) Darryll P. Holland
Preparadores: (1°) David R. Bell, (2°) Darwin D. Banach, (3°) John A. Ross, (4°) Cleveland A. Gordon, (5°) Alison Crook, (6°) Alec Fehr, (7°) Norman McKnight, (8°) Harold Ladouceur, (9°) Julie Mathes, (10°) Thomas Bland, (11°) Barrington Siddo
Studs: (1°) David Bell R., (2°) JWS Farms, (3°) JC Stable and Smith, Cheryl, (4°) Cleveland Gordon A., (5°) Karina Shaak, (6°) Bruno Schickedanz, (7°) Bruno Schickedanz, (8°) Bird, Sandra M. and Ladouceur, Jessie L., (9°) David Mathes J., (10°) Albert Bland, (11°) Radcliffe Racing Stable
Criadores: (1°) Bay Ridge Orchards Limited, (2°) JWS Farm, (3°) Tall Oaks Farm, (4°) Andy Stronach, (5°) Paul Buttigieg, (6°) Woodford Thoroughbreds, (7°) Ballycroy Training Centre, (8°) Sandra Bird & Jessie Ladouceur, (9°) Andy Stronach, (10°) St. Elias Stable LLC, (11°) Bradley Auger
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