Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Ejemplares 3 años y más (3a+) 1000m Arena (Rápida) 17:04 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $24.100 Claiming (Máx): CAD $7.500 Claiming (Min): CAD $7.000
CAD $7.654 al 1ro - CAD $2.551 al 2do - CAD $1.403 al 3ro - CAD $765 al 4to - CAD $383 al 5to - CAD $300 al 6to - CAD $300 al 7mo - CAD $300 al 8vo - CAD $300 al 9no - CAD $300 al 10mo
Retiros: (5)Majestic Slew, (14)Jacks Escarpment, (15)Water Polo
Tiempo: 00.57.17 1000m Arena (Rápida)
A Segundo
A Tercero
(1) Diddley
(7) Station Rock
(9) Smarty River Pants
(1-7) 8.65 - 170958
(1-7-9) 13.16 - 114284
(1-7-9-10) 42.01 - 80250
Daily Double
(8-1) 10.75 - 25595
Favorito: (1)Diddley
Mandiles: 1, 7, 9, 10, 6, 12, 2, 4, 8, 3, 13, 11
Jinetes: (1°) Sahin Civaci, (2°) Juan Crawford, (3°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (4°) Slade Callaghan, (5°) Emile Ramsammy, (6°) MarkLee Z. Buchanan, (7°) Sunny Singh, (8°) Jeffrey I. Alderson, (9°) Christopher Husbands, (10°) Melanie Pinto, (11°) Keveh Nicholls, (12°) Kirk Johnson
Preparadores: (1°) Martin Drexler, (2°) Alan F. Bird, (3°) Tim Rycroft, (4°) Terry Jordan, (5°) Ravendra B. Raghunath, (6°) Sharon Ceccato, (7°) Robert K. Warner, (8°) Joseph Humber, (9°) Barrington Siddo, (10°) John Simms, (11°) Philip Hall, (12°) Debra E. Rombis
Studs: (1°) 1569389 Ontario, Inc., (2°) Kennie, Darrell and Bird, Alan, (3°) Riversedge Racing Stables, Ltd., (4°) James Redekop, (5°) Eric Raghunath M., (6°) Even Steven Stables Ltd., (7°) Warner, Nancy E. and Robert K., (8°) Joy Elkins K., (9°) Radcliffe Racing Stable, (10°) Sharon Simms B., (11°) James Callihoo, (12°) DR Against the Wind, Inc
Criadores: (1°) Wesley Ward, (2°) Jimmy B. Randolph & Myra Hill, (3°) Riversedge Racing Stables Ltd., (4°) Ocala Stud, (5°) Red Sunset Farm, (6°) Stuart Simon, Russ McLellan & Brent McLellan, (7°) Bridlewood Farm, (8°) Larry Falloon & Andrew Clarke, (9°) Bear Stables Ltd., (10°) Christine Hayden, (11°) James Barry Doud, (12°) Fieldstone Farms Inc.
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