Maiden Claiming (Mcl) Pr. "Maiden Claiming" Hembras nacidas en Nueva York de 3 años y más no ganadoras (h3a+p) 1700m Arena (Good) 14:01 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $38.000 Claiming: USD $40.000
USD $20.900 al 1ro - USD $7.600 al 2do - USD $4.560 al 3ro - USD $2.280 al 4to - USD $1.520 al 5to - USD $285 al 6to - USD $285 al 7mo - USD $285 al 8vo - USD $285 al 9no
Retiros: (1)Dustinthewind, (3)Tornado Crossing, (6)Sainte Mere Eglise, (10)She So Naughty, (12)Tonilee, (13)Memories Eternal, (14)Twice a Lady
Tiempo: 01.45.65 1700m Arena (Good)
A Segundo
A Tercero
(7) Unicorn Sally
(8) Mizzen the Mark
(9) Belleza
(7-8) 25.25 - 283213
(7-8-9) 36.87 - 162735
(7-8-9-5) 53.75 - 101330
Daily Double
(2-7) 3.30 - 39698
Favorito: (7)Unicorn Sally
Mandiles: 7, 8, 9, 5, 11, 2, 4, 16, 15
Jinetes: (1°) Irad Ortiz, Jr., (2°) Luis Saez, (3°) Jose Lezcano, (4°) Dylan Davis, (5°) Kendrick Carmouche, (6°) Benjamin Hernandez, (7°) Joel Rosario, (8°) Joey R. Martinez, (9°) Luis Cardenas
Preparadores: (1°) John C. Kimmel, (2°) Dominick L. Schettino, (3°) Linda Rice, (4°) David G. Donk, (5°) James J. Toner, (6°) Gary Sciacca, (7°) Steven M. Asmussen, (8°) Richard Metivier, (9°) H. J. Bond
Studs: (1°) Mitola, Anthony and Stephen, (2°) Chad Schumer, (3°) Blue Bison Stable and Hoffman Thoroughbreds, (4°) Funky Munky Stable LLC, (5°) Royal Victory Thoroughbreds LLC, (6°) Roger Cimbora, Jr., (7°) West Point Thoroughbreds, Sparks, R. Townsend and Masiello, Robert, (8°) Wolf, H. Bud and Metivier, Sandra, (9°) Ascendant Farms
Criadores: (1°) Anthony Mitola & Steve Mitola, (2°) Pamela Arnold & Lannister Holdings, (3°) Hoffman Thoroughbreds LLC. & Blue BisonStables, LLC, (4°) Waldorf Farm, (5°) Victor George Bahna, (6°) Roger Cimbora Jr., (7°) Gentry Stable, (8°) Sandra E. Metivier, Richard K Metivier &H. Bud Wolf, (9°) Ascendant Farms LLC
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