Retiros: (0)Bourbon Tan, (0)Change Direction, (0)Dry Lake, (0)Eons, (0)Lord Dragon, (0)Third Edition, (0)Thomond Park, (0)Travel Agent
Tiempo: 1.48.42 1700m Arena (Acuosa)
A Segundo
A Tercero
(5) Shootin the Breeze
(3) Ocean Monarch
(2) Hooray for Harvey
(5-3) 10.90 - 58956
(5-3-2) 26.40 - 28098
(5-3-2-1) 13.36 - 15019
Daily Double
(6-5) 24.00 - 8909
Favorito: (5)Shootin the Breeze
Mandiles: 5, 3, 2, 1, 7, 9
Jinetes: (1°) Antonio A. Gallardo, (2°) Pablo Morales, (3°) Ronald D. Allen, Jr., (4°) Feargal Lynch, (5°) Samy Camacho, (6°) Gary Wales
Preparadores: (1°) H. G. Motion, (2°) Michael Stidham, (3°) Ian R. Wilkes, (4°) Ben Colebrook, (5°) H. G. Motion, (6°) Rick Creel
Studs: (1°) Alex G. Campbell, Jr., (2°) Burning Daylight Farms, Inc. and Galbraith, Rebecca, (3°) Blackwood Stables, (4°) Catherine M. Wills, (5°) RMJ Stables, (6°) Arnoud W. Dobber
Criadores: (1°) Alex G. Campbell, Jr. Thoroughbreds, LLC, (2°) C. Kidder, N. Cole, J. K. Griggs & Linda Griggs, (3°) Harvey A. Clarke Racing Stable LLC, (4°) Dr. Catherine Wills, (5°) Kendall E. Hansen, M.D. Racing, LLC, (6°) Fred W. Hertrich lll & John D. Fielding
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