Jinetes: (1°) Luis Contreras, (2°) Elvin Gonzalez, (3°) Ken S. Tohill, (4°) Alfredo J. Juarez, Jr., (5°) Miguel T. Fuentes, Jr., (6°) Santiago Gonzalez, (7°) Frank Reyes, (8°) Enrique Garcia, (9°) Ry Eikleberry, (10°) Eduardo E. Perez
Preparadores: (1°) Todd W. Fincher, (2°) Casey T. Lambert, (3°) Joel H. Marr, (4°) Henry Dominguez, (5°) Joel H. Marr, (6°) Gary W. Cross, (7°) Joel H. Marr, (8°) Arturo Chavez, (9°) Todd W. Fincher, (10°) Edward J. Thompson
Studs: (1°) Dale F. Taylor Racing, LLC., McQueen, Bobby J. and Kirby, Suzanne, (2°) Hubbard, R. D. and Hubbard, Shaun, (3°) Carson Donnell Echols, (4°) Robison, J. Kirk and Judy, (5°) Carson Donnell Echols, (6°) Jenkins, Derrick W. and Weldon C., (7°) Terry B. Adams, (8°) Maria Yoder, (9°) Stevens, Sam E. and Stevens, Sammy L., (10°) Zachary B. Burtt
Criadores: (1°) Brad King & Fincher Todd, (2°) R D Hubbard, (3°) Donnell Echols, (4°) J. Kirk Robison & Judy Robison, (5°) Donnell Echols, (6°) Weldon C. Jenkins & Derrick Jenkins, (7°) Michael C. Stinson, (8°) Mike H. Carson, (9°) Sam E Stevens & Sammy L Stevens, (10°) Lyndon Reed & Susan Hunter
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