Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" 3yo or more (3a+) 1700m Arena (Regular) 13:35 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $20.500 Claiming: USD $10.000
USD $12.300 al 1ro - USD $4.100 al 2do - USD $2.050 al 3ro - USD $1.025 al 4to - USD $615 al 5to - USD $69 al 6to - USD $69 al 7mo - USD $68 al 8vo - USD $68 al 9no - USD $68 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Ricardo Santana, Jr., (2°) Richard E. Eramia, (3°) David Cabrera, (4°) Orlando Mojica, (5°) Fernando De La Cruz, (6°) Ramon A. Vazquez, (7°) Floyd Wethey, Jr., (8°) Channing Hill, (9°) Jermaine V. Bridgmohan, (10°) Alex Birzer, (11°) Israel O. Rodriguez
Preparadores: (1°) Helen Pitts, (2°) Randy Matthews, (3°) Ron Moquett, (4°) Robertino Diodoro, (5°) Greg Compton, (6°) Nicholas P. Zito, (7°) Scott E. Young, (8°) John A. Ortiz, (9°) Ingrid Mason, (10°) Jerry Donaldson, (11°) John H. Prather, Jr.
Studs: (1°) Mary Grum, (2°) Steele, Brandi, Haynes, Chuck and Three Star Stable, (3°) Southern Springs Stables and Sparks, William S., (4°) Charles Garvey, (5°) Wedington Thoroughbreds, (6°) Mossarosa, (7°) King Racing Stables LLC, (8°) Crumbaugh Lane, 4 G Racing, LLC and Wasabi Ventures Stables, LLC, (9°) Cumberland Stable and Mason, Ingrid, (10°) Tillman, Chris and Sherry, (11°) Glynn A. Puryear, Jr.
Criadores: (1°) Gainesway Thoroughbreds, Ltd., (2°) Lantern Hill Farm/Bloch Racing/SeilerRacing/Traits LLC, (3°) Winchell Thoroughbreds LLC, (4°) Vossfeld Bloodstock Group, (5°) William Sims, (6°) Haymarket Farm, LLC, (7°) Claiborne Farm, (8°) Lisa Thornton, (9°) Brereton C. Jones, (10°) Manganaro LLC & Jim FitzGerald, (11°) David J. Lavoie
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