Retiros: (0)Be Gone Daddy, (0)Gray Beau, (0)Guns of Steel
Tiempo: 1.35.81 1600m Arena (Regular)
A Segundo
A Tercero
(8) Bourbon Resolution
(9) Colour Guard
(4) The Scotsman
(8-9) 260.10 - 189624
(8-9-4) 519.45 - 102926
(8-9-4-6) 362.97 - 72363
Daily Double
(2-8) 34.70 - 32439
Favorito: (6)Marconi
Mandiles: 8, 9, 4, 6, 3, 5, 1, 11
Jinetes: (1°) Chris Landeros, (2°) Miguel A. Vasquez, (3°) Tyler Gaffalione, (4°) Javier Castellano, (5°) John R. Velazquez, (6°) Nik Juarez, (7°) Luis Saez, (8°) Jose L. Ortiz
Preparadores: (1°) Ian R. Wilkes, (2°) Dane Kobiskie, (3°) Oscar M. Gonzalez, (4°) Todd A. Pletcher, (5°) Claude R. McGaughey III, (6°) Jorge Navarro, (7°) William I. Mott, (8°) Bobby S. Dibona
Studs: (1°) Bourbon Lane Stable (J. Hill, M. McMahon), (2°) PTK, LLC, (3°) Vicente Stella Stables LLC, (4°) Bridlewood Farm, Magnier, Mrs. John, Smith, Derrick and Tabor, Michael B., (5°) Janney, III, Stuart S. and Phipps Stable, (6°) Mondego Stable Inc., (7°) Don Alberto Stable, (8°) Philip DiCosmo
Criadores: (1°) Gary & Mary West Stables Inc, (2°) Roger W. Clark, (3°) Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Fowler, (4°) Brushwood Stable, (5°) Stuart S. Janney, III LLC. & Phipps Stable, (6°) AJ Suited, LLC, (7°) Haras Don Alberto, (8°) Irving Cowan
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