Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Ejemplares 3 años y más que no hayan ganado 2 carreras (3a+) 1300m Arena (Rápida) 16:30 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $22.000 Claiming (Máx): USD $16.000 Claiming (Min): USD $14.000
USD $12.100 al 1ro - USD $4.400 al 2do - USD $2.640 al 3ro - USD $1.760 al 4to - USD $1.100 al 5to - USD $500 al 6to - USD $500 al 7mo - USD $500 al 8vo - USD $500 al 9no - USD $500 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Jessica Pyfer, (2°) Flavien Prat, (3°) Edwin A. Maldonado, (4°) Jose Valdivia, Jr., (5°) Jorge I. Velez, (6°) Mario Gutierrez, (7°) Ricardo Gonzalez, (8°) Umberto Rispoli, (9°) Assael Espinoza, (10°) Abel Cedillo, (11°) Heriberto Figueroa
Preparadores: (1°) Val Brinkerhoff, (2°) Craig A. Lewis, (3°) Jeff Bonde, (4°) Ronald W. Ellis, (5°) Jeffrey Metz, (6°) Antonio Garcia, (7°) Steven Miyadi, (8°) Michael W. McCarthy, (9°) Dean Greenman, (10°) Mark Glatt, (11°) Lloyd C. Wicker
Studs: (1°) Bob Grayson, Jr., (2°) Anapenny Racing, LLC and Lewis, Craig A., (3°) Bonfante, Lloyd, Cavalli, John, Peal, Larry and Silverstone, Monty, (4°) Doubledown Stables, Inc., (5°) Saratoga West, Russell, Craig and Russell, Ellie, (6°) Vincent Marchionno, (7°) Gary Barber, (8°) Eclipse Thoroughbred Partners, (9°) Gallegos, Elizabeth and Greenman, R. Dean, (10°) Freeman, Dan, Freeman, Tanya and Glatt, Mark, (11°) Gregorio Aguilar
Criadores: (1°) Brandywine Farm (Jim & Pam Robinson), (2°) Craig Lewis & Elliot Lewis, (3°) Delaverne Hill Farm, (4°) Doubledown Stables, Inc., (5°) Richard Barton Enterprises, (6°) David Meche, Tonya Jergens & Mark Toothaker, (7°) Gary Barber, (8°) Southern Wives Partners, (9°) Susan M. Forrester & 4M Ranch, (10°) Premier Thoroughbreds LLC, (11°) Greg Aguilar
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