Maiden Claiming (Mcl) Pr. "Maiden Claiming" Hembras 3 años y más no ganadoras (h3a+p) 1300m Arena (Rápida) 13:24 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $27.000 Claiming: USD $20.000
USD $14.850 al 1ro - USD $5.400 al 2do - USD $3.240 al 3ro - USD $1.620 al 4to - USD $1.080 al 5to - USD $270 al 6to - USD $270 al 7mo - USD $270 al 8vo
Jinetes: (1°) Eric Cancel, (2°) Charlie Marquez, (3°) Luis Cardenas, (4°) Heman K. Harkie, (5°) Kendrick Carmouche, (6°) Dylan Davis, (7°) Michael J. Luzzi, (8°) Joey R. Martinez
Preparadores: (1°) Chris J. Englehart, (2°) Michelle Nevin, (3°) George Weaver, (4°) Eduardo E. Jones, (5°) Carlos F. Martin, (6°) Bruce R. Brown, (7°) Edmund Pringle, (8°) Edward R. Barker
Studs: (1°) Cedar Meadow, Inc., (2°) Michelle Nevin, (3°) Commonwealth Stable and Bradshaw, Randy, (4°) Vito Cipriano, (5°) Collinsworth Thoroughbred Racing LLC, (6°) Pines Stables, Irwin, John C., Daley, Paul and Acri, Debra Ann, (7°) F and F Stable (F. Garcia), (8°) High Point Stable and Eaton, Darrin
Criadores: (1°) Lisa Jo Nowicki, Charlie Rimer &Jessica Rimer, (2°) The Elkstone Group LLC, (3°) Kendall E. Hansen, M.D. Racing, LLC, (4°) Aliyuee Ben J. Stable, Inc., (5°) Blue Heaven Farm, LLC, (6°) Loren Nichols, (7°) F and F Stable, (8°) Repole Stable Inc
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