Jinetes: (1°) Diego Saenz, (2°) Timothy Thornton, (3°) Filemon T. Rodriguez, (4°) Shane Laviolette, (5°) Colby J. Hernandez, (6°) Jose A. Guerrero, (7°) Jan C. Batista, (8°) Emanuel Nieves
Preparadores: (1°) Ronnie Averett, (2°) Karl Broberg, (3°) Shane Wilson, (4°) Howard Alonzo, (5°) Ron Faucheux, (6°) Dale White, Sr., (7°) Roland L. Bruno, (8°) Thomas W. Sam
Studs: (1°) Margie K. Averett, (2°) Claiming Game Racing, (3°) Wayne T. Davis, (4°) J. Patrick Lee Racing LLC, (5°) Ng, Ming Yan and Faucheux, Ron, (6°) Dale White, Sr., (7°) Langford, Bill and Bruno, Roland, (8°) Richard Tate
Criadores: (1°) Margie K. Averett, (2°) Daniel Chicola, (3°) Peter Eslick, (4°) Margie K. Averett, (5°) Michele Rodriguez, (6°) Margie K. Averett, (7°) Bill Langford, (8°) Richard Tate
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