Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Ejemplares 3 años y más (3a+) 1100m Arena (Rápida) 21:15 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $15.000 Claiming (Máx): CAD $6.250 Claiming (Min): CAD $5.000
CAD $6.891 al 1ro - CAD $2.297 al 2do - CAD $1.148 al 3ro - CAD $574 al 4to - CAD $230 al 5to - CAD $92 al 6to - CAD $92 al 7mo - CAD $92 al 8vo - CAD $92 al 9no - CAD $92 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Enrique A. Gonzalez, (2°) Ruben Lara, (3°) Desmond Bryan, (4°) Wilmer Galviz, (5°) Jose O. Rocha, (6°) Mauricio Malvaez, (7°) Rey Williams, (8°) Rico W. Walcott, (9°) Shamaree Muir, (10°) Rigo Sarmiento
Preparadores: (1°) James R. Brown, (2°) James Wyness, (3°) Robert C. Kingston, (4°) Dale Greenwood, (5°) Jim Depew, (6°) Sheri Harbidge, (7°) Jerri R. Robertson, (8°) Craig R. Smith, (9°) Rodney J. Cone, (10°) Rod Heggie
Studs: (1°) Mitch Sutherland, (2°) James Wyness, (3°) Robert Kingston C., (4°) Everblack Cattle Co. Ltd. and Stetson Enterprises Ltd., (5°) Jim Depew, (6°) Sheri Harbidge, (7°) Bodell, Frank and Makin, Angela, (8°) Sealy, Theresa and Shantz, Coralee, (9°) Kugler, Garry and Lauri, (10°) Jones, Landon, Auvigne, Tom and Testawich, Daryn
Criadores: (1°) Marco Antonio Gonzalez, (2°) Glen Todd, (3°) Robert McCann & Pope McLean, (4°) Highfield SF Ltd., (5°) James Carter, (6°) Dr. K. K. Jayaraman & Dr. Vilasini D.Jayaraman, (7°) Danny Pish, (8°) Daehling Ranch LLC, (9°) Robin L. Murphy, (10°) Darrell Landry
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