Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Hembras 3 años y más (h3a+) 1100m Arena (Rápida) 15:15 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $22.000 Claiming (Máx): USD $12.500 Claiming (Min): USD $10.500
USD $13.200 al 1ro - USD $4.400 al 2do - USD $2.640 al 3ro - USD $1.320 al 4to - USD $500 al 5to - USD $500 al 6to - USD $500 al 7mo - USD $500 al 8vo - USD $500 al 9no - USD $500 al 10mo
Apuestas $1 exacta / $2 quinella / 50 cent trifecta $2 rolling double / 50 cent min. rolling pick three $1 superfecta (10-cent min.) / $2 wps parlay
Jinetes: (1°) Agapito Delgadillo, (2°) Juan J. Hernandez, (3°) Ricardo Gonzalez, (4°) Edwin A. Maldonado, (5°) Tiago J. Pereira, (6°) Abel Cedillo, (7°) Mario Gutierrez, (8°) Alexis Centeno, (9°) Ruben Fuentes, (10°) Heriberto Figueroa
Preparadores: (1°) Rosemary Trela, (2°) Kristin Mulhall, (3°) Peter Miller, (4°) George Papaprodromou, (5°) William Spawr, (6°) Robert B. Hess, Jr., (7°) Matthew Chew, (8°) Neil French, (9°) Paul G. Aguirre, (10°) James F. Sayler
Studs: (1°) Rosemary Trela, (2°) Twilight Racing LLC, (3°) Altamira Racing Stable, (4°) Fick, Anthony and Fick, William, (5°) Acker, Tom, Miller, Andy and Spawr, William, (6°) Cady, Todd, Kilgore, Tom, Lambert, Jeffrey, Medina, David, Rodriguez, Larry, Toland, Robert, Nolan, Daniel E. and Underhill, Peter G., (7°) Roncelli Family Trust, (8°) Marco Gonzalez A., (9°) Hemaidan, Akram, Homeidan, Abe Malek, Pagano, Ray and Poppert, John J., (10°) Sayler, James F. and Siegel, Erik G.
Criadores: (1°) Judy Hicks & Kathryn Nikkel, (2°) Academic Farms, (3°) Schroeder Farms LLC, Welton Manfield & Robert Hess, (4°) Ponder Hill, Inc., Denise Purvis &David Purvis, (5°) Harry Wilson, (6°) Woods Edge Farm, LLC, (7°) Gino Roncelli, (8°) Gustav Schickedanz, (9°) Premier Thoroughbreds LLC, RichardMeister & Rusty Brown, (10°) Scott Pierce & Debbie Pierce
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