Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" Ejemplares 3 años y más que no hayan ganado 2 carreras (3a+) 1200m Arena (Rápida) 19:42 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $9.900 Claiming: USD $5.000
USD $6.000 al 1ro - USD $2.000 al 2do - USD $900 al 3ro - USD $400 al 4to - USD $100 al 5to - USD $100 al 6to - USD $100 al 7mo - USD $100 al 8vo - USD $100 al 9no - USD $100 al 10mo
Retiros: (1a)Lil Pistola, (5)Regal Moon, (13)Elite and Big
Tiempo: 01.12.05 1200m Arena (Rápida)
A Segundo
A Tercero
(12) Twinkling Knight
(11) Goldenpence
(10) Austin Ray
(12-11) 254.00 - 43693
(12-11-10) 425.60 - 31220
(12-11-10-8) 418.91 - 22505
Daily Double
(6-12) 60.80 - 4289
Favorito: (8)Lucky Lookin
Mandiles: 12, 11, 10, 8, 1, 6, 4, 9, 3, 7, 2
Jinetes: (1°) Sonny Leon, (2°) Victor Olivo, (3°) John McKee, (4°) Jose Riquelme, (5°) Kerry Bryan, (6°) Kelly R. Spanabel, (7°) Heriberto Figueroa, (8°) Joseph D. Ramos, (9°) Rogelio Miranda, (10°) Abel Lezcano, (11°) Gabriel Lagunes
Preparadores: (1°) Sal Guerrero, (2°) Lilia Gonzalez, (3°) William Stinson, Jr., (4°) Ronald G. Brown, (5°) Alejandro Gomez, (6°) Kelly R. Spanabel, (7°) Kathy Jarvis, (8°) Genaro Garcia, (9°) Ronald T. Hale, Jr., (10°) Rey Hernandez, (11°) Anthony Lowry
Studs: (1°) Sal Guerrero, (2°) Campos Family Ventures LLC, (3°) William Stinson, Jr., (4°) Ronald Brown G., (5°) Alejandro Gomez, (6°) Frederick Spanabel Ryan, (7°) AFM Stables Limited, (8°) Southwest Racing Stables Inc. and Murphy, Bruce, (9°) James Jenkins C., (10°) Alfonso Mazzetti J., (11°) M. Y. Stables, Inc.
Criadores: (1°) Dr. Thomas A. Morrison, (2°) Golden Pedigree LLC, (3°) Wesley Ward, (4°) Mrs. Ellen B. Kill Kelley, (5°) Connie Snyder & Richard Snyder, (6°) Skyler Spanabel & Millennium Stallions, (7°) Spring Farm, (8°) Robert A. Adams & Sheilah Adams, (9°) Gregory Frame & Cherie Frame, (10°) Al Mazzetti, (11°) South River Ranch Inc.
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