Clásico (Cl) Pr. "LA Bred Premier Night Bon Temps S." 1000m Arena (Rápida) 17:39 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $50.000
USD $30.000 al 1ro - USD $10.000 al 2do - USD $5.000 al 3ro - USD $2.500 al 4to - USD $1.000 al 5to - USD $500 al 6to - USD $500 al 7mo - USD $500 al 8vo
Jinetes: (1°) Eguard Andres Tejera, (2°) Kevin J. Smith, (3°) Jose A. Guerrero, (4°) Gerard Melancon, (5°) Joel Dominguez, (6°) C.J. McMahon, (7°) Ashley Broussard, (8°) Timothy Thornton
Preparadores: (1°) Beverly Burress, (2°) Sarah Delany, (3°) Rafael Gomez, (4°) Ricky Courville, (5°) Brian A. Huval, (6°) Karl Broberg, (7°) Lee Thomas, (8°) Karl Broberg
Studs: (1°) Juan Larrosa, (2°) BMS Racing Stable (Sarah Delany) and Gasaway, Brent, (3°) J.E. Nichols, (4°) Paul Gaudet M., (5°) Jonathan LeBlanc, (6°) End Zone Athletics, Inc., (7°) Elite Thoroughbred Racing LLC and Smith, Celia, (8°) End Zone Athletics, Inc.
Criadores: (1°) Southern Equine Stables, LLC & DarrellC. Comeaux, (2°) John R. Cunningham, (3°) J. E. Nichols, (4°) Becky Winemiller, (5°) Richard Ringo, (6°) Alston Thoroughbreds LLC, (7°) Michele Rodriguez, (8°) LA Bred Equine Enterprises
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