Jinetes: (1°) Timothy Thornton, (2°) Rohan R. Singh, (3°) Devin H. Magnon, (4°) Efigenio G. Ruiz, (5°) Joel Dominguez, (6°) C.J. McMahon, (7°) Jansen Melancon, (8°) Odilon Martinez, (9°) Diego Saenz, (10°) Ty Kennedy
Preparadores: (1°) Keith G. Bourgeois, (2°) Joseph Kanhai, (3°) Dale White, Sr., (4°) Bethany L. Taylor, (5°) Joel Berndt, (6°) Karl Broberg, (7°) Allen Landry, (8°) Ronnie P. Ward, (9°) Eduardo Ramirez, (10°) Robertino Diodoro
Studs: (1°) Raymond S. Nealy, (2°) Satrohan N. Singh, (3°) Dale White, Sr., (4°) Craig Pool, (5°) Berndt Racing Stable, Inc. and Larson, Kent, (6°) Erin Gaarz, (7°) Allen Landry, (8°) Gillis, Betty J. and Joseph A., (9°) Red Rose Racing, (10°) Knudsen, Kent, Galloway, Dave and Galloway, Jaime
Criadores: (1°) Edward Seltzer & Beverly Anderson, (2°) Normandy Farm, (3°) Michele Rodriguez, (4°) Brereton C. Jones & Brett Brinkman, (5°) Dale Borchers, (6°) Robert E. Hibbert II &Henry B. Johnson Jr., (7°) Sugarland Thoroughbreds, LLC, (8°) Russell L. Reineman Stable, Inc, (9°) Edward DeNike & Theresa DeNike, (10°) Dream Walkin Farms, Inc.
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