Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" For accredited la bred four year olds and upward which have never won three races or four year olds (4a+g) 1200m Arena (Barrosa) 13:28 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $19.000 Claiming (Máx): USD $20.000 Claiming (Min): USD $15.000
USD $11.400 al 1ro - USD $3.800 al 2do - USD $2.090 al 3ro - USD $1.140 al 4to - USD $570 al 5to
Jinetes: (1°) Gabriel Saez, (2°) James Graham, (3°) Shaun Bridgmohan, (4°) Robby Albarado, (5°) Mitchell Murrill, (6°) Marcelino Pedroza, (7°) Colby J. Hernandez
Preparadores: (1°) Justin Jeansonne, (2°) Ron Faucheux, (3°) Lee Thomas, (4°) Steven Duke, (5°) Howard Alonzo, (6°) Sam B. David, Jr., (7°) Randy J. Granger
Studs: (1°) Virgadamo, Rodney and Bonura, Keith, (2°) Larry Romero J., (3°) Elite Thoroughbred Racing LLC, (4°) Northpointe Thoroughbreds, (5°) J. Patrick Lee Racing LLC, (6°) Hernandez, Earl J., Hernandez, Keith J. and Duvieilh, John, (7°) Richard, Ashton and Sellers, Louis W.
Criadores: (1°) Lonnie Briley, (2°) Riceland Racing Stables LLC, (3°) Michele Rodriguez, (4°) Northpointe Thoroughbreds, (5°) Margie K. Averett, (6°) Earl Hernandez, John Duvieilh & Keith Hernandez, (7°) Carrol J Castille
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