Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" 1400m Arena (Rápida) 17:01 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $7.755 Claiming (Máx): CAD $7.000 Claiming (Min): CAD $4.750
CAD $4.513 al 1ro - CAD $1.504 al 2do - CAD $752 al 3ro - CAD $376 al 4to - CAD $150 al 5to - CAD $92 al 6to - CAD $92 al 7mo - CAD $92 al 8vo - CAD $92 al 9no - CAD $92 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Prayven Badrie, (2°) Rey Williams, (3°) Quincy Welch, (4°) Andre Martin, (5°) Wilmer Galviz, (6°) Damario Bynoe, (7°) Nicholas Patrick, (8°) Edgar Zenteno, (9°) Dane Nelson, (10°) Desmond Bryan
Preparadores: (1°) Cory Rumsey, (2°) Ron K. Smith, (3°) Tim Rycroft, (4°) Deanna Walper, (5°) Allen Goodsell, (6°) Rodney J. Cone, (7°) Cindy MacSorley, (8°) Daniel T. Jones, (9°) Joan Petrowski, (10°) Sharon Bott
Studs: (1°) Gordon Howg, (2°) Red Ron Farms and Stone Ranches, Ltd., (3°) Riversedge Racing Stables, Ltd., (4°) Odenbach, Ron and Walper, Deanna, (5°) Beckham Ranch, (6°) Rodney Cone J., (7°) Johnson, Christopher, Bencharski, James and MacSorley, Cindy, (8°) Daniel Jones T., (9°) Doug Blair, (10°) Avalon Stable and Bott, Emma
Criadores: (1°) Dallas Haeberle, (2°) Bar None Ranches Ltd., (3°) Borders Racing Stable LTD., (4°) Reece Bloodstock, (5°) Charles Fipke, (6°) Sarah M. Kortum & Debbie J.Benjamin-Stevens, (7°) Mel Snow & Fran Snow, (8°) C. Kidder & N. Cole, (9°) Sangreal Investments LLC, (10°) Cavendish Investing Ltd.
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