Bolsa de Premios: CAD $16.655 Claiming: CAD $25.000
CAD $9.358 al 1ro - CAD $3.837 al 2do - CAD $1.918 al 3ro - CAD $780 al 4to - CAD $312 al 5to - CAD $90 al 6to - CAD $90 al 7mo - CAD $90 al 8vo - CAD $90 al 9no - CAD $90 al 10mo
Preparadores: (1°) Carson Frey, (2°) James R. Brown, (3°) Ron Grieves, (4°) Tim Rycroft, (5°) Tim Rycroft, (6°) Darcy Hawkes, (7°) Craig R. Smith, (8°) Ron Grieves, (9°) Jerri R. Robertson, (10°) Lionel Joseph
Studs: (1°) Al Pitchko P., (2°) Mitch Sutherland, (3°) Quamme, Barrie, Quamme, Collin and Bar None Ranches Ltd., (4°) Riversedge Racing Stables, Ltd., (5°) Riversedge Racing Stables, Ltd., (6°) Dianne Delaney, (7°) True North Stable, Graham, Jamie, Derby Stable and Smokin Guns Stable, (8°) Bar None Ranches Ltd., (9°) Dale Ellson, (10°) Arturo Christo Consulting
Criadores: (1°) Diamond A Racing Corp., (2°) Moonshine Meadow Ranch, (3°) Barrie Alvin Quamme & Collin GregoryQuamme, (4°) C. Kidder & N. Cole, (5°) Carl Bennett & James Iselin, (6°) Dell Ridge Farm, LLC, (7°) Lopez, Maybee & Tennant, (8°) Bar None Ranches Ltd., (9°) Bar None Ranches Ltd., (10°) Hanson Valley Ranch
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