Jinetes: (1°) Eurico R. Da Silva, (2°) Christopher Husbands, (3°) Rafael M. Hernandez, (4°) Leo Salles, (5°) David Moran, (6°) Jerome Lermyte, (7°) Justin Stein, (8°) Kazushi Kimura
Preparadores: (1°) Lorne Richards, (2°) James J. Smith, (3°) Norman McKnight, (4°) Anthony Pottinger, (5°) Daniel J. Vella, (6°) Mark E. Casse, (7°) Vito Armata, (8°) John A. Ross
Studs: (1°) True North Stable, (2°) Michelle Perron, (3°) Bruno Schickedanz, (4°) Whittingham, Kashaine, Pottinger, Anthony O. and Lothian, Heron J., (5°) R.M.C. Stable and The Estate of Sydney C. Cooper, (6°) Live Oak Plantation, (7°) Alpine Stable Ltd., (8°) JC Stable and Smith, Cheryl
Criadores: (1°) Sam-Son Farm, (2°) Gustav Schickedanz, (3°) Bruno Schickedanz, (4°) Dennis Crooks & Terry Young, (5°) R.M.C. Stable, (6°) Live Oak Stud, (7°) Rick Wieting, (8°) Tall Oaks Farm
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