Jinetes: (1°) Elvin Gonzalez, (2°) Alejandro Medellin, (3°) Jimmy R. Coates, (4°) Isaias D. Enriquez, (5°) Ry Eikleberry, (6°) Roimes Chirinos, (7°) Luis A. Fuentes, (8°) Luis Negron, (9°) Casey R. Chavez, (10°) Alfredo Sigala
Preparadores: (1°) Bart G. Hone, (2°) Greg Green, (3°) Celio E. Trujillo, Jr, (4°) Casey T. Lambert, (5°) Bart G. Hone, (6°) Gary W. Cross, (7°) Gary W. Cross, (8°) Greg Green, (9°) Don A. Young, (10°) Mike Archuleta
Studs: (1°) Clay Harris, (2°) Yarbar, R. Dwain and Green, Greg, (3°) Snell, Billy J. and Snell, Chad, (4°) Sandra Barrett K., (5°) Teed Off Stable LLC, (6°) Derrick Jenkins W., (7°) Derrick Jenkins W., (8°) Yarbar, R. Dwain and Green, Greg, (9°) Young, Don A. and Choya, (10°) Archuleta, Alejandra and Gibson, John
Criadores: (1°) Clay A. Harris, (2°) Diana Bringhurst, (3°) Billy Snell & Chad Snell, (4°) Mike Abraham, (5°) Larry R. Teague, (6°) Weldon C. Jenkins & Derrick Jenkins, (7°) Derrick Jenkins, (8°) Jay L Taylor & Paulette Taylor, (9°) Don Young & Choya Young, (10°) DJ Racing Stables, Inc.
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