Jinetes: (1°) Elio J. Barrera, (2°) Emanuel Nieves, (3°) Alexander Castillo, (4°) Erick Medellin, (5°) Angel Suarez, (6°) Carlos Lozada, (7°) Jose A. Guerrero, (8°) Hugo Torres, (9°) Edward Santiago
Preparadores: (1°) Alison Escobar, (2°) Joseph M. Foster, (3°) Kelly Avant, (4°) Tim Dixon, (5°) Erick Del Cid, (6°) Jayde J. Gelner, (7°) Tim Dixon, (8°) Clifford Dodson, (9°) James T. Coats, Jr.
Studs: (1°) De Luca and Sons Stable, (2°) Hope Haven Racing (Holly Johnson and Cheryl Foster), (3°) Kelly Avant F., (4°) Rickey Smith G., (5°) Jose Luis Ramirez, (6°) Jim Volk, (7°) David T. Rogers, (8°) Darris J. Williams, (9°) Francisco Gomez Ramirez
Criadores: (1°) DeLuca and Sons Stables, (2°) Daniel R. Chicola & Ronnie M. Merritt, (3°) Jimmie Lovell, (4°) Michael Martin LLC, Jay Goodwin &Rodney Vaughn DVM, (5°) Allen C. Hallett, (6°) Jim Volk, (7°) David Thomas Rogers, (8°) WinStar Farm, LLC , (9°) Francisco Ramirez Gomez
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