Claiming (Clm) Pr. "Claiming" For Three Year Olds And Upward (3a+) 1200m Arena (Rápida) 16:21 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $51.000 Claiming (Máx): CAD $25.000 Claiming (Min): CAD $23.500
CAD $16.291 al 1ro - CAD $6.520 al 2do - CAD $3.644 al 3ro - CAD $1.629 al 4to - CAD $994 al 5to - CAD $378 al 6to - CAD $378 al 7mo - CAD $378 al 8vo - CAD $378 al 9no
Jinetes: (1°) Rico W. Walcott, (2°) Eswan Flores, (3°) Jose Luis Campos, (4°) Juan Crawford, (5°) Ryan Munger, (6°) Sofia Vives, (7°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (8°) Omelio G. Francis, (9°) Leo Salles
Preparadores: (1°) Sid C. Attard, (2°) Andrew Smith, (3°) Abraham R. Katryan, (4°) Beverley Chubb, (5°) Ravendra B. Raghunath, (6°) Michael Mattine, (7°) Paul M. Buttigieg, (8°) Devon Boreland, (9°) Vito Armata
Studs: (1°) Janice and Veronica Attard, (2°) Joey Gee Thoroughbreds, (3°) Kanny Ng, (4°) Kanny Ng and Beverley Chubb, (5°) Sheila Mohan, (6°) Stacey Van Camp, (7°) Buttigieg Training Centre, (8°) Oneil Anthony Marsh, (9°) Alpine Stable Ltd.
Criadores: (1°) Rhapsody Farm LLC, (2°) Joey Gee Thoroughbreds, (3°) Murray Stroud, (4°) Carpe Diem Syndicate & Murray Stroud, (5°) Paul Buttigieg, (6°) Paradox Farm, Inc., (7°) Sunrise Farm, (8°) Joseph E. Pollard & Silver Duck Racing Stable, (9°) Penny Conrad & Manfred Conrad
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